Native American – Altaic languages:

Traces of the Altaic words “ata”, “apa”, “ana” and their derivatives in the languages of some of the Native Peoples of Americas


Table 1.
Derivatives from Altaic words “ata”, “apa” and “ana” used for:

Basic Form \\ Derivatives from basic words in likely transformations

Father, ancestor :
a) ata \\ ada, ta, da
b) apa \\ aba, pa, ba

ana \\ na

Father’s father :
a) ataata \\ atata, tata, tatI, tat, tete, tet
b) adaada \\ adada, dada, dadI, dede, dad
c) apaapa \\ apapa, papa, papo, pap
d) abaaba \\ ababa, baba, babI, babo, bab

Mother’s father :
a) anaata \\ anata, nata, nat
b) anaada \\ anada, nada, nad
c) anaapa \\ anapa, napa, nap
d) anaaba \\ anaba, naba, nab

Father’s mother :
a) ataana \\ atana, tana, tan
b) adaana \\ adana, dana, dan
c) apaana \\ apapa, napa, nap
d) anaaba \\ abana, bana, ban

Mother’s mother :
anaana \\ anana, nana, nane, nanI, nano, nene, neni, nine, nan, nen.


Table 2.
A comparative list of words for “father” and “mother” in Turkish and in languages of some of the Native Peoples of Americas.

Language \ “father” \\ “mother” \\\ Ref. No. \\\\ Location

1. Turkish \ ata, apa, baba \\ ana, anne \\\ 1-3 \\\\ Turkey, many regions of Asia.
2. Eskimo \ atataq \\ ananaq \\\ 4 \\\\ Canada, Greenland.
3. Aleut \ adaq \\ anaq \\\ 5 \\\\ Aleution Islands, Alaska.
4. Wahtoktata \ antcha \\ ehong \\\ 6 \\\\ W. of Missouri river, USA.
5. Konza \ etahceh \\ enah(1) \\\ 6 \\\\ N. of Missouri river, USA.
6. Omaha \ dada \\ ehong \\\ 6 \\\\ Central Plains, USA.
7. Sioux \ atcucu \\ huco \\\ 6 \\\\ Dakota, USA.
8. Minnetare \ tanta \\ eka \\\ 6 \\\\ USA.
9. Pawne \ ateash \\ aterah(1) \\\ 6 \\\\ Kansas, USA.
10. Cherokee \ atotuh \\ atsIng \\\ 6 \\\\ Oklahoma, USA.
11. Cherokee \ udoda \\ uji \\\ 7 \\\\ South Appalachians, USA.
12. Winnebago \ chache \\ nahne(1) \\\ 6 \\\\ Wisconsin, USA.
13. Puan or Nippegon \ chache \\ nahne \\\ 6 \\\\ USA.
14. Naudowesses of Carver \ ahta (1) \\ enah(1) \\\ 6 \\\\ USA.
15. Hennepin \ ahta \\ enah \\\ 6 \\\\ USA.
16. Cree \ o:hta:(1) \\ ka:wIy \\\ 8 \\\\ Canada
17. Fox Cree \ osa \\ ane:he(1) \\\ 8 \\\\ Canada
18. Plains Cree “Y” dialect \ nohtawe (my father) \\ ni kawe (my mother) \\\ 9 \\\\ Canada
19. Menomini \ o:hna(1) \\ kIah? \\\ 8 \\\\ Great Lakes, Canada; Wisconsin, USA.
20. Micmac \ tatat \\ gIju \\\ 8,10 \\\\ Maritime Prov., Canada
21. Algonquin \ papam, tatag \\ mam, ma:ma:, mamay \\\ 8 \\\\ Ontario, Ca.
22. Kenora Indians \ ta:ta: \\— \\\ 8 \\\\ Canada
23. Kekchi \ yuwa \\ na \\\ 11,12 \\\\ Guatemala.
24. Quiche \ tat \\ nan? \\\ 11,12 \\\\ Guatemala.
25. Ixil \ pap \\ nan \\\ 11,12 \\\\ Guatemala.
26. Aguacetec \ ta \\ na \\\ 11 \\\\ Guatemala.
27. Wappo \ oayao \\ naoa \\\ 13 \\\\ California, USA.
28. Miwok \ oappI \\ ounu \\\ 12 \\\\ California, USA.
29. Callam & Lumni \ IaIIn \\ tan \\\ 15 \\\\ Washington territory, USA.
30. Chinook \ tlkamama \\ tlkanaa \\\ 16 \\\\ Oregon, Wash. USA.
31. Hidatsa \ ate, tatIs \\ hIdu, hu \\\ 17 \\\\ North Dakota, USA.
32. Cahuilla \ na, taata \\ ye \\\ 18 \\\\ California, USA.
33. Otchipwe \ papa, baba, dede, n’otta \\ _?_ \\\ 19,20 \\\\ Southern Ontario, Canada
34. Mutsun \ appa \\ anna? \\\ 21 \\\\ Alta Calif., USA.
35. Yucateco \ yum \\ naa, na \\\ 22 \\\\ Mexico and Guatemala.
36. Papago / Pima \ apapa \\ je’e \\\ 23 \\\\ Southwestern USA.
37. Navaho \ ta \\ ma \\\ 24 \\\\ Arizona, USA.
38. Biloxi \ adI \\ unnI \\\ 25 \\\\ Gulf Coast, USA.
39. Tsimshian \ ap, ab \\ nay \\\ 26 \\\\ USA; B.Colombia, Canada
40. Aguaruna (Jivaro) \ apa \\ duku \\\ 27,28 \\\\ Peru, S. America.
41. Iquito \ — \\ nanI \\\ 27 \\\\ Peru, S. America.
42. Candoshi \ — \\ ataatam \\\ 27 \\\\ Peru, S. America.
43. Nahuatl (Aztec language) \ tahtlI(1) \\ nantlI \\\ 29,30 \\\\ Mexico.
44. Quechua (Inca language) \ tayta \\ nanagash \\\ 31 \\\\ Peru, S. America (2).
45. Cayapa \ apa \\ mama \\\ 27 \\\\ Ecuador, S. America
46. Colorado \ apa \\ mama \\\ 27 \\\\ Ecuador, S. America
47. Auca \ naenae \\ mama \\\ 27 \\\\ Ecuador, S. America


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